My Color Wheel Project

    This project was very interesting. I was gone for the main day that we did it, so I actually did it in a span of 2 and 1/2 days. It was harder for me than others, since there were certain things I had to learn by looking at other peoples wheels.
   What I Learned
We did the project in Adobe illustrator. When I first opened it up I had no clue what to do or how to work it. Instead of clicking on certain tools to use them u had to hold it down to change the shape of something. Even though it looks like its on a white background you have to make a white rectangle and put it behind the color wheel. If u didn't the picture would look see through.
Some of the tools I used were the shape tool, selector tool, aboard tool, hand-
tool, and type tool. The shape tool only had 6 options and if you wanted to make other shapes you had to hit the arrow keys to make more sides. The selector tool was just the normal mouse. Also the hand tool was pretty much the same thing as the selector tool. The aboard tool made the paper smaller, so we could get as close to the wheel as possible to make it look nicer. Finally the type tool was just to type text. We used it for the title and to name all of the colors.
Little Bit About Color
I also learned that color is in so many shades. There could be in the tiniest difference in color and they would make it a brand new color. Certain colors make you feel different things. An example is red. Red makes you feel appetizing. If you go to a restaurant and there are browns and reds because it makes you feel appetizing. Where as blue may take that hungriness away from you.


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