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Final Senior Blog Post

5 Guarantees    I learned technical skills while being "on the job". You can only really learn this while actually going out and filming or while working on a project. This is essentially what the whole job is, working aspect wise. This is the skill that lets you go out and be able to make amazing projects. You are always going to run into problems along the way, but you should be able to problem solve by looking at the settings or even googling what the issue is and seeing how to fix it.    I learned the skill communication my sophomore year. However, I didn't really start using it until my junior year. You have to be able to communicate with other people. Wether it is in your class or within your group, or even if you want to film somewhere you need to be able to communicate with them so they know what you want. Not only with the communication but  people need to be able to comprehend what you are communicating with them. And half of the time thats most of the...

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